
works artificial landscapes | bezalel academy of arts jerusalem | exhibition → 2025→ architecture→ digital→ landscape→ material
works shimmers of light | what is the first image you remember? → 2025→ exhibition→ printed matter
works 柔らかなものは、何かを守ることができると思う?| do you think something soft can protect something? | experimental practice with soh souen → 2024→ body→ performance→ softness→ textiles
works 柔らかなものは、何かを守ることができると思う?| do you think something soft can protect something? | exploration #1 – on resilience | with soh souen → 2024→ body→ softness→ textiles
works absolute interiority → 2024→ softness→ textiles
works bodies move differently in presence | publication → 2024→ architecture→ body→ digital→ interaction→ material→ printed matter
works ダイロッカン:dai6okkan 2024 | 6okken | Residency Art Festival, Japan → 2024→ body→ landscape→ sound
works soft space machines – metamorphoses of (super)flatness | isometric drawings → 2023→ architecture→ softness
works on softness | 3 works | graphic edition → 2023→ architecture→ book→ printed matter→ softness
works thinking of kazuo → 2023→ architecture→ material→ model→ structure
works wearable houses | tamagawa university tokyo, japan | with susan pietzsch → 2023→ architecture→ body
works soft architectures | digital tapestries → 2022→ architecture→ digital→ drawing→ material→ textiles
works Accento – Die Stadt im Klavier VI | silent green, Berlin | with Yui Kawaguchi & Aki Takase → 2022→ architecture→ performance
works bodies move differently in presence | TU München | Exhibition → 2022→ exhibition→ softness→ urban space
works Transgressive. Non-conformist Approaches to the Arts and the City → 2022→ exhibition→ urban space
works Accento – Die Stadt im Klavier VI → 2022→ architecture→ dialog→ material→ performance→ sound
teaching MORGEN | Domäne Dahlem | UdK Berlin → 2021→ exhibition→ exhibition making
works bodies without organs* | Gallery Under the Mango Tree | Berlin | Exhibition → 2021→ architecture→ installation→ urban space
works figures of thought | Marta Herford | Magazine → 2021→ printed matter
works soft architectures | galerie hell | Exhibition → 2021→ interaction→ textiles→ urban space
works soma. on matters, spaces and bodies | galerie hell | Publication → 2021→ book→ printed matter
works bodies without organs* | Liebling Haus | Re_Public → 2021→ architecture→ installation→ urban space
teaching Split Level | Publication → 2020→ book→ exhibition making→ printed matter
teaching Future(s) of Space | Raumklasse UdK Berlin → 2020→ dialog→ drawing→ environment→ urban space
works the forest speaks II | Nida Art Colony → 2019→ dialog→ interaction→ landscape
works Letters to the Mayor | DAZ Deutsches Architektur Zentrum | Berlin → 2019→ architecture→ dialog→ exhibition→ urban space
works the forest speaks I | Nida Art Colony → 2019→ landscape→ material
teaching Spaces of Communication | Raumklasse UdK → 2019→ exhibition making→ spatial system→ urban space
works Edition Bauhaus 56 | Haus Gropius || Zeitgenössisch → 2019→ book→ exhibition→ printed matter
teaching Imaginary Spaces | vorspiel transmediale → 2019→ exhibition making→ installation
teaching Passagen 100 | Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau → 2018→ installation→ structure→ urban space
teaching Spaces of Communication | Book → 2018→ book→ printed matter
works realities, constructed → 2018→ dialog→ interaction→ landscape→ material
teaching Gestalterische Dialoge | Publication → 2017→ book→ exhibition making→ printed matter
works Goodall | Radeberger Brache Cologne → 2017→ digital→ landscape→ urban space
teaching Weltausstellung Reformation 2017 | Tore der Freiheit | II → 2017→ exhibition making→ landscape→ urban space
teaching Spaces of Many Dimensions | Lecture Series → 2017→ lecture
works Bauhaus Magazin | Movement | Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau → 2016→ printed matter
teaching Gestalterische Dialoge | Exhibition → 2016→ exhibition making→ spatial system
teaching X-Ray | Structures → 2016→ digital→ installation→ structure
works Imaginary Spaces 2 | eigentlich wollte ich ja architektin werden → 2016→ architecture→ structure→ textiles
works Imaginary Spaces 1 | eigentlich wollte ich ja architektin werden → 2016→ architecture→ installation→ textiles
works Gustavs Park | Zeche Carl Essen → 2016→ architecture→ landscape→ structure
works Social Fabrics | Europe | U-Bahnhof Bundestag Berlin → 2016→ digital→ installation→ material→ urban space
teaching Mobilitätslabor | Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau → 2016→ exhibition making→ interaction→ urban space
works Soziale Stadt | Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf → 2016→ exhibition making
works Matters of Transition | Largo das Artes Rio de Janeiro → 2015→ exhibition
teaching Multisensorische Raummaschine → 2015→ architecture→ installation→ interaction→ material
works Solitude Atlas → 2015→ printed matter
works Matters of Transition | Skins → 2015→ interaction→ landscape→ textiles→ urban space
works Matters of Transition | Knots → 2015→ installation→ spatial system→ structure→ textiles
teaching Weltausstellung Reformation 2017 | Tore der Freiheit | I → 2015→ exhibition making→ installation→ landscape→ urban space
teaching X-Ray | Hybrids → 2015→ digital→ film→ installation→ material→ structure
research Mediating Realities and 'Magnetizing Space' → 2015→ material→ spatial system→ text→ urban space
works khroma → 2015→ dialog→ installation→ interaction→ textiles
teaching Schmuck als urbaner Prozess | Publication → 2015→ book→ printed matter→ urban space
teaching Time | Berlin Unlimited | Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik Berlin → 2014→ exhibition making→ installation→ urban space
teaching VirtuReal → 2014→ dialog→ digital→ environment→ installation→ interaction
teaching X-Ray | Skinless → 2014→ digital→ film→ material→ model→ spatial system
teaching Schmuck als urbaner Prozess | Symposium → 2014→ dialog→ exhibition making→ lecture→ urban space
teaching Schmuck als urbaner Prozess | Exhibition → 2014→ dialog→ environment→ exhibition making→ urban space
research Immediacies of Experience → 2014→ dialog→ text→ textiles
teaching Models <> Reality → 2013→ installation→ interaction→ model
works The Anxious Prop Case 5 | Feuilleton → 2013→ interaction→ printed matter
teaching The One and the Many → 2013→ environment→ installation→ interaction→ material→ spatial system
teaching Smart Grid | Aedes → 2013→ dialog→ exhibition making→ installation→ spatial system
works Refugium - Berlin as Design Principle | DMY → 2013→ performance
works Responsive Skin → 2013→ dialog→ interaction→ performance→ sound
works Dialogical Spaces → 2013→ dialog→ interaction→ sound→ textiles
works The Anxious Prop Case 5 → 2013→ architecture→ dialog→ environment→ installation→ interaction
teaching Sound is Material → 2012→ installation→ sound→ structure
teaching Raumfaltungen → 2012→ material→ model→ spatial system
works Happy Fashion | Viaindustriæ → 2012→ exhibition
works Piksel - Bewegte Landschaft | Hofgut Hohenkarpfen → 2012→ exhibition
works Piksel - Bewegte Landschaft → 2012→ dialog→ film→ landscape→ sound→ textiles
works On Space and Spatiality | Epifanio Magazine → 2011→ printed matter
teaching Urbane Codes → 2011→ dialog→ exhibition making→ interaction→ urban space
teaching Datascape → 2011→ architecture→ digital→ exhibition making→ installation→ model
teaching Material Matters → 2011→ material→ spatial system
works Intimate Architectures | KHOJ New Delhi → 2011→ exhibition
works The Anxious Prop Case 4 → 2011→ interaction→ printed matter
works 1:x The Invisible Part of the Iceberg → 2011→ exhibition
teaching Urbane Codes | Publication → 2011→ book→ interaction→ printed matter→ urban space
research Offene Räume → 2011→ printed matter→ text→ urban space
works Intimate Architectures → 2011→ architecture→ environment→ film→ interaction→ landscape→ textiles→ urban space
teaching Space Capsule → 2010→ architecture→ spatial system
teaching Performative Bodies → 2010→ environment→ interaction→ urban space
works Weißenhof Architekturförderpreis | Catalog → 2010→ printed matter
works Performative Geometries → 2010→ book→ model→ printed matter→ spatial system→ textiles
works Mediating Space | Platform Sarai Frankfurt → 2010→ performance
works Proposition for the Landscape | Nordic Artists' Centre Dale → 2010→ exhibition
works Raum(Zeit)Kleider | Arteleku Arts Centre → 2010→ performance
works Weißenhof Architekturförderpreis → 2010→ exhibition
works Public Receptors | Goethe Institut London → 2010→ exhibition
works Propositions for the Landscape → 2010→ dialog→ film→ interaction→ landscape→ textiles
research Elasticity of Space → 2010→ environment→ interaction→ printed matter→ text
works Public Receptors | Aedes Berlin → 2010→ exhibition
research When The Folded Architecture Began To Live | A Comment by Sir Peter Cook → 2009→ architecture→ book→ text
research The Liberation of Space → 2009→ printed matter→ text
research Mediating Space - Research Dictionary → 2009→ book→ printed matter→ text
works Public Receptors | Van Alen Institute New York → 2009→ exhibition
works Mediating Space → 2009→ book→ printed matter→ textiles
works Public Receptors → 2009→ drawing→ film→ textiles→ urban space
teaching Constructing Space → 2008→ installation→ material
research Lectures | Symposia → 2008→ 2009→ 2010→ 2011→ 2012→ 2013→ 2014→ 2015→ 2016→ 2017→ 2018→ 2019→ 2020→ 2021→ 2022→ 2023→ 2024→ 2025→ lecture
works Form-Defining Strategies → 2008→ book→ material→ model→ printed matter→ spatial system
works Raum(Zeit)Kleider | Sommerakademie Salzburg → 2008→ exhibition
works Raum(Zeit)Kleider | Akademie Schloss Solitude → 2008→ exhibition
works Choreographed Geometry → 2008→ drawing→ interaction→ spatial system→ textiles→ urban space
teaching Traces of Movement → 2008→ material→ model→ structure
works Raum(Zeit)Kleider → 2008→ drawing→ film→ spatial system→ textiles
teaching Textile Geometries → 2007→ exhibition making→ material→ model→ structure→ textiles
teaching Listening To Form | Book → 2007→ book→ printed matter
teaching Listening To Form → 2007→ model→ structure
works The Space of Communication → 2007→ exhibition→ exhibition making
works Choreographed Geometry | Akademie Schloss Solitude → 2007→ exhibition
research The Time and Space of Physical Modeling → 2007→ material→ text
research Books | Publications → 2006→ 2008→ 2009→ 2010→ 2011→ 2015→ 2017→ 2018→ 2019→ 2020→ 2021→ 2022→ 2023→ 2024→ book→ printed matter
teaching Pre-Tectonic Constructs | Publication → 2006→ book→ model→ printed matter→ spatial system
teaching Pre-Tectonic Constructs → 2006→ digital→ material→ model→ spatial system→ structure
works Topographie des Terrors → 2006→ architecture→ digital→ exhibition making
works Alterable Tactile Transitions → 2006→ drawing→ structure→ textiles
research Exhibitions → 2005→ 2006→ 2007→ 2008→ 2009→ 2010→ 2011→ 2012→ 2013→ 2015→ 2016→ 2017→ 2018→ 2019→ 2020→ 2021→ 2022→ 2023→ 2024→ 2025→ exhibition
works Programmatic Landscape → 2005→ architecture
works Kielder Observatory → 2005→ architecture
works Kunsthalle Bremen → 2005→ architecture→ digital→ exhibition making
works Inverted Shadow → 2004→ architecture→ digital
works Kulturforum Westfalen → 2003→ architecture→ digital→ exhibition making
works Synthetic Realities → 2002→ digital→ material→ structure