figures of thought | Marta Herford | Magazine

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Gabi Schillig acted as a curatorial consultant on the upcoming exhibition “Look! Revelations on Art and Fashion” at Marta Herford and developed a series of experimental figures of thought for the accompanying magazine. Adopting a playful approach to concepts related to fashion, the body, identity, communication, and texture, she developed a vocabulary triggering chains of visual associations. Terms that in some cases appear contradictory are grouped together into visual word landscapes, resulting in new connections, moments of bewilderment, playful juxtapositions, and expanded levels of meaning.
Magazine edited by Friederike Fast & Wiebke Hahn
Figures of Thought by Gabi Schillig
Editorial Design / Magazine by Studio Spass
Marta Herford
Magazin Look!
Gabi Schillig
Studio for Dialogical Spaces
Professor for Spatial Design