zero art space, tokyo | Japan | What Is The First Image You Remember? | Exhibition
What Is the First Image You Remember?
"In the realm of dreams, we are liberated from the constraints of reality, navigating a world where innocence and purity reign.“
A group exhibition showcased at_
zeroartspace – April, 2025 (TBA)
ZERO @zero_space_tokyo
4 Chome-27-4 Nagasaki, Toshima City
Tokyo 171-0051, Japan
J.A. Young, Elaine Choi, Gabi Schillig, Alex Zafeiridis, Bruno Silva, Marianeli Anastasiadou, Ilias Lois, Cecilia Sebastiani, Rita Louis, Anna Giuntini, Atsushi Momoi, Sohei Nakanishi, Joana Duarte, Maria Kostareva, Olha Lobazova, Eva Vei
zerofeedback is a tokyo based independent publisher, specialized in contemporary photography, design and culture
zero art space
OAG Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens | Tokyo, Japan | Talk about 'kiwa' きわ(際)in dialog with the exhibition of Tomoko Mukai
Gabi got invited to enter a dialog with Tomoko Mukai´s exhibition on the notion of "kiwa" きわ(際) (spatial edge or boundary), taking place on March 19, 2025 at the OAG Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens / オーアーゲー・ドイツ東洋文化研究協会 in Tokyo Japan.
More information coming soon.
Image Credits_
Tomoko Mukai
OAG Tokyo
Tomoko Mukai
Space Department Nara | Japan | Artist-in-Residence 2025
Gabi got invited to be an artist-in-residence at the 'Space Department Nara' in Japan for spring 2025.
'Space Department' is an artist-in-residence programme dedicated to supporting local and international artists and architects. It is a place where people can live, collaborate, research, test, make, exhibit and share ideas while being inspired by the ancient historic city of Nara, Japan. The department´s mission is to encourage the growth of contemporary art and artists in Nara City and to engage with the local community in relation to artistic expressions related to "space", while being inspired by the lessons of the ancients and the sensibilities of Japanese culture.
The space is located in a renovated 90-year-old farmhouse near the world heritage sites of Toshodai-ji and Yakushi-ji in Nara.
Space Department Nara
EKA Estonian Academy of the Arts Tallinn | Estonia | Teaching – Ruumikunst
Gabi will return to EKA Estonian Academy of the Arts in Tallinn from January 6 - 10, 2025 to work experimentally with students from the MA program Interior Architecture on questions of softness, bodies, intimacy and its socio-political dimension.
More info coming soon.
EKA – Estonian Academy of the Arts Tallinn
Vilnius Academy of Arts | Lithuania | Academic Board – PhD in Practice
Gabi will be part of the Academic Board at VAA – Vilnius Academy of Arts in Lithuania, to review and attend the defence of Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė and her PhD in Practice project "The Grammar of Lichen".
Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė is a digital artist, experimental architect and creator of Plantasia Lab, where she designs digital plants "using the intuitive imagination of technology".
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė
Image Credits: Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė
EKA Estonian Academy of the Arts Tallinn | Estonia | Artist Talk
Avatud loeng / Open Lecture
Gabi Schillig: Topologies of Softness – Future(s) of Space
Estonian Academy of the Arts, Tallinn
29. novembril kl 17.00
A-400, Põhja pst 7, Tallinn
Reedel 29. novembril kl 17.00 peab EKAs avatud loengu pehmusest ja efemeersest ruumiloomest Berliini Kunstiülikooli ruumilise disaini ja näitusekujunduse professor Gabi Schillig. Käesoleval semestril õpetab Schillig sisearhitektuuri magistriõppes. Loengus avab ta oma loomingulist teekonda ning tutvustab varasemaid õpetamisprojekte.
On Friday 29 November at 5 p.m, Gabi Schillig, Professor of Spatial Design and Exhibition Design at the Berlin University of the Arts, will give an open lecture on softness and ephemeral spatiality at EKA. This semester, Schillig is teaching 'Ruumikunst / Spatial Arts' in the MA programme of Interior Architecture. In this lecture, she will open up about her artistic practice and present past teaching projects.
Gabi will return to EKA in January 2025 for a workshop on sensorial relationships of bodies, softness, fragility and intimacy – as spatial, material and social concepts.
EKA – Estonian Academy of the Arts Tallinn
Geidai Tokyo University of the Arts Tokyo | Japan | Lecture
On October 07, 2024 at 6.30p.m. Gabi will give a talk on "TOPOLOGIES OF SOFTNESS On Bodies, Skins and the Spatial Dimension of Everyone’s Existence" / 「柔らかさのトポロジー 身体、皮膚、すべての存在の空間的次元について at Geidai / Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts.
東京藝術大学美術学部 建築科・デザイン科・油画科主催特別講演「柔らかさのトポロジー 身体、皮膚、すべての存在の空間的次元について
場所|東京藝術大学美術学部 中央棟第1講義室
Location|Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno Campus
Faculty of Design 1st Lecture Hall
ガビ·シリッグ(Gabi Schillig)は、応答性のある建築とコミュニケーションの空間を探求し、形を作ります。彼女の芸術作品と教示は、空間と身体の儚く、生き生きとした、一時的な理解と共鳴しています。彼女は、柔らかさ、空間、(非)物質性、脆さ、親密さ、肉体の感覚的相互関係を通じて、すべての存在の空間と次元を探求しています。
シリッグは、Städelschule(フランクフルト国立芸術大学大学院)で建築を学び、概念設計で修士課程を修了後、2008 年にベルリンにて「Studio for Dialogical Spaces」(対話空間のためのスタジオ)を設立しました。主要な国際的な展示として、2007-2008年 Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart (ドイツ)、2009年 Van Alen Institute New York (米国)、2010年 Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale (ノルウェー)、2011年 KHOJ International Artists’ Association New Delhi (インド)、2015年 Largo das Artes Rio de Janeiro (ブラジル)、2016年 Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (ドイツ)、2018-2019年 Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of the Arts (リトアニア)等があり、数々のフェローシップや賞を受賞しています。
近年のプロジェクトに、2020-2021年 テルアビブ Liebling Haus「器官のない身体*」(リラ·チタヤットと共演)や、2022年 サイレントグリーンベルリン「アクセント – ピアノの中の都市VI」(ダンサー兼振付師の川口ゆい、ジャズピアニスト兼作曲家の高瀬アキと共演)があり、パフォーマティブなソフトアーキテクチャと、空間的振付の身体と纏わるオブジェクトを通じて、ピアノ、空間、音の構造要素間の類似点を探求しました。
2012年から2018年までデュッセルドルフPeter Behrens School of Artで教授を務め、2018年にベルリン芸術大学トランスメディアデザイン研究所の空間デザインと展示デザインの教授に着任しました。2024年冬から2025年冬まで、エストニア·タリンのEKAエストニア芸術アカデミーの客員教授に就任します。2023年秋冬には、サイコネオンのアーティスト·イン·レジデンス(山梨)とACAC(青森国際芸術センター)のゲストアーティストとして、ソフトマター「儚い空間」の可能性を探求し、工房親Chika(東京)で日本で初の個展を開催しました。2024年春には、6okkenが主催するダイロッカン:dai6okkan 2024レジデンシーアートフェスティバル(山梨)に招かれ滞在しました。 2025年に再来日し、Space Department Naraのアーティスト·イン·レジデンスにて、柔らかさのトポロジーに関する芸術的研究を継続予定です。
On Bodies, Skins and the Spatial Dimension of Everyone’s Existence
Gabi Schillig explores and shapes responsive architectures and spaces of communication. Her artistic work and teaching resonates with an ephemeral, animate and temporal understanding of spaces and bodies. She explores the spatial and dimension of everyone’s existence through the sensorial interrelationship of softness, space, (im)materiality, fragility, intimacy and corporeality.
Geidai – Tokyo University of the Arts
Topologies of Softness
Absolute Interiority | a series of experimental jacquard woven textiles
thoughts of space, mental space - dreams and spaces of desire.
interior as a space of consciousness to imagination. a layered, blurry space.
how do we think of the world outside of ourselves, the known and the unknown?
how do we think, feel and imagine the world?
subjectivity. a series of transitions, intermediate space. between inside and outside, identities. amalgamation. metamorphoses.
A series of experimental digitally jacquard woven soft textile architectures, each 150x250cm / experimental weaving in cooperation with Weberei, Berlin / Noël Saavedra
Based on_
ᔕOᖴT ᔕᑭᗩᑕᗴ ᗰᗩᑕᕼIᑎᗴᔕ
metamorphoses of (super)flatness
Japan, 2023_24
柔らかなものは、何かを守ることができると思う?| Do You Think Something Soft Can Protect Something? | experimental practice
Do you think something soft can protect something?
Soh Souen
Gabi Schillig
エクスプロレーション #1 レジリエンス
Exploration #1 – On Resilience
The experimental practice documented in a video and in photos unifies two existing artistic works of Gabi Schillig & Soh Souen.It was performed in Berlin at Kunstgewerbemuseum / Staatliche Museen zu Berlin in June 2024.
soft architectures, 2021 – 22
エグササイズ / Eggsercise, 2022 – 23
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
June 2024
Cinematography & Video_
Miguel Rozas Balboa
Gabi Schillig
Soh Souen
Miguel Rozas Balboa
Bodies Move Differently in Presence | TU München | Publication
'Bodies Move Differently in Presence' focuses on the (human) body in analog space in the era of digital communication - and documents the interdisciplinary symposium of the same name and the accompanying exhibition at the Chair of Fine Arts at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) from October 24/25, 2022.
A book edited by
Prof. Tina Haase
Elke Dreier
With works and essays by_
Elke Dreier, Tina Haase, David Helbich, Mmakhotso Lamola, Ute Heim, Melanie Krueger, Antonio del Laguardia, Angelika Schwarz, Julien Previeux, Louise Walleneit, Daniel Stoecker, Florian Lechner, Gabi Schillig, Yui Kawaguchi, Florian Ecker, Paula Kohlmann, Paranose Production, Karin Hochstatter, Irina Gheorghe, Gabriele Klein, Lena Grossmann, Katharina Voigt
Verlag/Publishing House: Intervallverlag
Herausgebende/Editors: Prof. Tina Haase, Elke Dreier, 2024
200 Seiten, 138 farbige Abbildungen, Softcover
Fadenbindung, 29,7 × 21,0 cm
Grafikdesign/Graphic Design: atac
ISBN: 978-3-949862-94-6
Technical University of Munich
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Department of Architecture
Lehrstuhl für Bildende Kunst