bodies without organs* | Gallery Under the Mango Tree | Berlin | Exhibition
+ Info
For the exhibition "bodies without organs*" the artists Lila Chitayat and Gabi Schillig explore the relationship between space, body and sculpture. Three fragments that occupy the exhibition space as "satellites" were transferred as an idea from Liebling Haus Tel Aviv to the Gallery Under The Mango Tree in Berlin. Their use is open: you can sit on them, touch them, relate your own body. In the universal space for communication and action, encounters with a hybrid organism can take place on a mulit-sensory level. Chitayat and Schillig overcome supposed spatial boundaries and place the body in an intuitive relationship to the enviornment and material, to explore the relationship between interior and exterior, the architectural and corporal aspects, challenging the body´s behaviour within this space and the intangible emotions it evokes.
A public institution, Liebling Haus - The White City Center, a German Israeli cultural hub that promotes urbanism, architecture and conservation in Tel Aviv, commissioned this work, curated by Sharon Yaron, as part of their larger exhibition "Welcome to the Re_Public", inviting visitors to engage in an interactive exploration of today´s re.emerging Agora. The Gallery Under the Mango Tree proudly continues this dialog in Berlin.
* in reference to the term „body without organs“, stated by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (see also: "A Thousand Plateaus - Capitalism and Schizophrenia“, 1987)
Vernissage / Performance by Yui Kawaguchi
27.08.2021 / 19.00 – 20.30h
28.08. – 14.10.2021
Gallery Under The Mango Tree
Merseburger Str. 14
10823 Berlin
The exhibition in Berlin is supported by Neustart Kultur / Stiftung Kunstfonds.
Sincere Thanks to Liebling Haus Tel Aviv / and to_ NEVEON Eurofoam Deutschland GmbH Schaumstoffe, Dörfles Esbach.
A catalog will be published on the occasion of the exhibition, with essays by Sharon Golan (Liebling Haus, Tel Aviv) and Julia Meyer-Brehm (Berlin) / designed by Mini Kapur
_photo credits: Gabi Schillig, Ruven Wiegert
Gallery Under The Mango Tree
Liebling Haus – The White City Center
Gabi Schillig
Studio for Dialogical Spaces
Professor for Spatial Design