Raum(Zeit)Kleider | Arteleku Arts Centre

+ Info
MID_E International Exhibition of Multidisciplinary Arts
Arteleku Arts Centre San Sebastian, Spain
July 16, 2010
Since 2003 MID_E develops a reflection and visibility platform around contemporary multidisciplinary art practices. The exhibition focuses in expressions oriented to reach society via the interaction with disciplines and media.The exhibition gathers a wide and plural scope of hybrid formulations derived from this interaction: inter/multi-disciplinary projects, formats relating audiovisual arts and other disciplines (video-dance, video-performance, fashion video-art, AV projects), multimedia performance art, contemporary fashion projects and art projects incorporating textile media, net-art, sound art interventions.
MID_E specialises in those languages and formats that combine immediacy, quality and the potential to promote thinking and debate. Gender, identity, ideology and communication are some of the priority key issues of the exhibition curatorship.
Raum(Zeit)Kleider was performed by dancer Naomì Viana.
Photographs by Gari Artola and Punto Colorao.
Arteleku Arts Centre
Gabi Schillig
Studio for Dialogical Spaces
Professor for Spatial Design