Letters to the Mayor | DAZ Deutsches Architektur Zentrum | Berlin

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Vernissage at DAZ - 15.11.2019, 7 pm
with Michael Müller, Governing Mayor of Berlin
Susanne Wartzeck, President Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA
Jinny Khanduja, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York
“Dear Mr. Regierender Bürgermeister …” - What ideas, visions and expectations do architects and stakeholders of the city have for Berlin?
'As part of a global exhibition project, the DAZ, together with Storefront for Art and Architecture from New York, has invited 100 international architects and city stakeholders to formulate their ideas for a sustainable Berlin worth living in and to address them directly to the government.What do your spatial and architectural ideas, visions and expectations for Berlin look like? What social and urban challenges could Berlin better meet through greater interaction between politics and design, and what political framework conditions are needed to achieve this? In view of the tense situation on the housing market, how should Berlin develop further and remain affordable? How can high expectations of the social and sustainable development of the city be fulfilled or what role do changing working environments play in this? These letters with suggestions for a livable, sustainable Berlin will be officially handed over to the Governing Mayor Michael Müller at the opening on November 15, 2019 at DAZ and he will discuss individual letter topics with Matthias Böttger, DAZ.' (text by DAZ Berlin)
letters by_
Esra Akcan, Aristide Antonas, Berk Asal, Yldz Aslandoan, Thomas Baecker, Matthias Ballestrem, Christophe Barlieb, Caro Baumann, Eike Becker, Uwe Becker, Verena von Beckerath, Sally Below, Helga Blocksdorf, Christine Bock, Friedrich von Borries, Chris Bosse, Malte von Braun, Benita Braun- Feldweg, Winfried Brenne, Jessica Bridger, Roger Bundschuh, Marius Busch, Nils Buschmann, Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Sam Carvalho, Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Jason Danziger, Christopher Dell, Dan Dorocic, Jan Edler, Tim Edler, Christine Edmaier, Franziska Eidner, Mascha Fehse, Kristin Feireiss, Lukas Feireiss, Jesko Fezer, Laura Fogarasi-Ludloff, Tom Friedrich, Jörg H. Gleiter, Bettina Götz, Nicholas Green, Heike Hanada, Saskia Hebert, Rainer Hehl, Mathias Heinz, Susanne Hofmann, Gerd Jäger, Helmut Jahn, Thomas Kaup, Theresa Keilhacker, Gabriele Kiefer, Erhard An-He Kinzelbach, Jan Kleihues, Julia Klink, Bettina Kraus, Thomas Kröger, Lars Krückeberg, Anupama Kundoo, Michael LaFond, Hilde Léon, Jens Ludloff, Michael Maginness, Ton Matton, Jeannette Merker, Tanaz Modabber, Stephen K. Molloy, Ingrid Moye, Ulrich Müller, Walter Nägeli, Anika Neubauer, Johannes Novy, Philipp Oswalt, Erica Overmeer, Klaus Overmeyer, Lukas Pappert, Markus Penell, Sofia Petersson, Joanne Pouzenc, Wolfram Putz, Alexander Rieck, Jacob van Rijs, Alexander Römer, Gunnar Rönsch, Eike Roswag-Klinge, Ines-Ulrike Rudolph, Ingrid Sabatier, Gudrun Sack, Johannes Schele, Gabi Schillig, Moritz Schloten, Julian Schubert, Elena Schütz, Joachim Schultz-Granberg, Stephan Schwarz, Alex Schweder, Max Schwitalla, Annelie Seemann, Rafi Segal, Johanna Sonnenburg, Maayan Strauss, Leonard Streich, Simon Takasaki, Tilmann Teske, Lisa Tiedje, Katrin Voermanek, Petra Vondenhof-Anderhalten, Martin Voss, Tobias Wallisser, Thomas Willemeit, Peter Wilson, Lena Wimmer, Imke Woelk, Lennart Wolff, Ana Zatezalo Schenk, Christoph Zeller
16.11. 2019 – 2.2.2020, Wed - Sun 3 - 8 pm
Exhibition Design by Something Fantastic
With Support of Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Berlin-Mitte mbH
DAZ Berlin
Gabi Schillig
Studio for Dialogical Spaces
Professor for Spatial Design