6okken will hold a month-long residency art festival 'dai 6okkan 2024' from March 1 – 31, 2024. 18 artists are invited to join the artist residency (March 18 – 31) and the art festival (March 30 – 31).
Since 2022, 6okken has been operating an 'artist-run residence' in Kawaguchiko Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, based in six cottages, where living/expressive activities/management are combined, participating in art festivals across the country, collaborating with art institutions worldwide, and developing and practicing camp-based workshops.
Through cross-disciplinary dialogue with the 'outside', we are working to increase the number of'perspectives that would disappear from the world if we let go of them' and the environment to protect them.
Artists from abroad will participate in the camp, making it a site for artistic practice that transcends language barriers. In addition to the main programme mentioned above, the camp will propagate knowledge, inspiration and networks of new artistic practices from the foot of Mt Fuji through exchange programmes with people from art festivals, universities and cultural organizations from Japan and abroad, community lunches with local people and online transmission throughout the month.
(text by 6okken)
▢参加アーティスト分野を超えて国内外から集まった18名のアーティストが参加。VISION・TOUCH・AUDITIONの3グループに分かれ14日間の滞在制作を実施し、会期終盤、フィナーレとなる3月30日と31日の2日間には、そのすべてのプロセスを追体験するパフォーマンスとワークショップが行われます。安齋 励應/ Astrid Braide Eriksson/ Adam Gustafsson/ 今宿 未悠/ 大上 巧真/ 太田 遥月/ 加藤 昌美/ Gabi Schilli/ 川島 大輔/ 後藤 宙/ 小宮りさ麻吏奈/ ソー・ソウエン/ 豊島 彩花/ 中尾 一平/ 二藤 建人/ 花形 槙/ 三好 彼流/ Hyejeong Yun