Paraskevi Vasilopoulou - Redefining Cores and Corridors
Risa Kusomoto - Nature Ends
Franka Eckart - Wingless
Constanze Hager - Skeletal Motion
David Steingrüber - Stretchneck
Pauline Fer - Iterative Flow
Claudia Müller - Cluster
+ Info
UdK Berlin - Institut für Transmediale Gestaltung
Klasse Entwerfen Raumbezogener Systeme / Ausstellungsgestaltung
A Seminar on Movements
A movement of the human body has been analysed and further abstracted into a spatial physical and digital model. Especially dance choreographies consist of fundamental sculptural and mathematical elements. Edgerton, a pioneer of scientific photography in the 20th century segmented continuous movements into single positions and visualised movement as collating sequence.
Students were working both in the digital and analog realm, developing individual design models, based on a chosen movement in space. Central to the development was the materiality of the spatial figure, its geometry and its systematic processing.